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Senhor, revela-Te a nós e mostra-nos a Tua Glória. Concede que Te vejamos e ouçamos. Querido Pai celestial, queremos Te adorar e agradecer, porque é tudo para o Teu prazer. Tudo é pela obra consumada de Cristo. Tudo é pelo poder do Espírito Santo. Capacita-nos a nos rendermos a Ti, a desistirmos de nossos direitos, e a deixarmos que Tu tenhas pleno domínio sobre nós, não apenas individualmente, mas juntos, para que Teu Reino possa se tornar uma realidade em nós hoje, e possamos estar aptos para proclamar o evangelho de Jesus Cristo. No nome de nosso Senhor Jesus. Amém.

sábado, 11 de junho de 2011

Conversão Contínua

A Conversão Contínua

"...se não vos converterdes e não vos fizerdes como crianças" Mt 18:3

Se confiarmos em nosso entendimento em vez de confiarmos em Deus plenamente, acarretaremos com aquelas gravíssimas consequências pelas quais Deus nos responsabilizará sempre. Sempre que somos colocados em novas condições de provação contínua por coisas trazidas pela providência de Deus, temos que cuidar para que a vida natural se submeta à vida do espírito e obedeça ao Espírito de Deus vivente lá. O fato de já termos feito isso uma vez ou outra, não é prova de que tornaremos a fazê-lo caso suceda a oportunidade de novo. A relação do natural com o espiritual será o de uma conversão para continuar e persistir e é justamente a isso que mais resistimos; há quem queira vencer e submeter-se agora para nunca mais ter de se submeter. Em todas as situações nas quais possamos ainda ser colocados, o Espírito de Deus e a Sua salvação permanecem imutáveis dentro de nós, mas, temos que nos revestir "do novo homem", Ef.4:24. Deus sempre nos responsabilizará tantas quantas vezes nos recusarmos a converter-nos de algo específico. A razão dessa recusa será sempre nossa obstinação e falta de vontade em nos submetermos. Não nos deixemos governar através da vida natural; é Deus quem nos governará continuadamente e sempre - até nas coisas virtuosas.

O grande impedimento existente em nossas vidas espirituais será o fato de não nos dispormos a converter-nos continuadamente; há áreas de obstinação em que o nosso orgulho cerra os punhos diante do trono de Deus e diz: "Não me renderei porque considero que isto não está errado". Endeusamos a independência e a teimosia obstinada e até lhe damos outros nomes virtuosos. Aquilo que Deus vê como uma persistente fraqueza, nós chamamos de força prudente. Existem áreas inteiras de toda a nossa vida que ainda não foram submetidas a Deus e isso só pode ser feito pela continuidade da conversão. Lenta, mas, seguramente, podemos conquistar todo o território do pecado para o Espírito Santo de Deus viver em nós.

Autor: Oswald Chambers

terça-feira, 29 de março de 2011

study by Stephen Kaung

Knowing Christ Dwelling in You

Do you know that Christ is

in you? Are you conscious of

His presence in you? Do you

treasure this mystery? The

problem is often that after

you believe in the Lord Jesus,

you think that by believing in

the Lord Jesus, all you are

looking forward to is having

your sins forgiven and going

to heaven one day after you

die. You do not know what

God has done for you. You

do not know that when you

believe in the Lord Jesus,

God has done something far

beyond what you can ever

think of: He puts Christ in

you. You believe in Him and

He comes and dwells within

you. This is the greatest

mystery, the greatest blessing

that God has given to you.

This is something God has

done. It is not something that

you can do. You just believe

in the Lord Jesus and God, by

His Spirit, will come into you

and live in you. It is not only

revealed in Paul, it is

revealed in every believer.

This mystery has been

manifested to the saints.

Therefore, it is revealed in

every believer. If you believe

in the Lord Jesus, Christ is in

you; God is in you. Christ,

the crucified One, the

resurrected One, the ascended

One, the One who is now at

the right hand of God, is in

you. You have Him.

You may say, “How do I

know He is in me?” If you

believe in the Lord Jesus and

you do not know that Christ

is in you, I wonder if you

really believe in Him,

because if you believe in

Him, you will know. How

can a person dwell in you and

you do not know? Or to use a

bad illustration: if somebody

is staying in your house, not

just for a minute, but

permanently, how can it be

that you do not even know he

is there? Something must be

wrong. How can Christ be in

you from the time you

believe in the Lord Jesus to

eternity—He never leaves

you nor forsakes you, He is

always there, ever there—

how can it be that you do not

know He is there? You can

neglect Him for an hour, for a

day, for a year, for a lifetime?

You never heard Him? He

never speaks to you? He

never touches you? It is

impossible! The moment you

believe in the Lord Jesus, the

Spirit of God within you will

cry out, “Abba, Father.” God

is now your Father. Through

His beloved Son, you become

His child. You can talk to

God your Father. He is with

you and He talks to you.

Have you ever heard Jesus

speaking to you? It is not

with the outward ear, but it is

in you.

You know it is true,

sometimes, you even can

hear audibly. I do not know if

it is really audibly or if it is as

if audible. I remember after I

believed in the Lord Jesus,

one day, there was a crisis in

my life. I had some

controversy with God,

something that God was

calling me to do, and I

hesitated. I was reluctant. I

found it difficult, impossible.

I tried to reason with Him to

give me some more time.

And strangely, it is as if I

heard someone talking to me:

“He that loves his father and

mother more than me, cannot

be my disciple.” There was

nobody there, but I heard it.

And many, many more times,

not audibly, but I have heard

it within me. He talks to me.

Sometimes He restrains me.

Sometimes He constrains me.

Sometimes He just touches

me, a gentle touch, but very

persistent. Sometimes, it is as

if there is a light shining

within me, and when He does

that, there is peace and life.

And when you rebel against

that, there is spiritual death in

you, darkness.

He is in you. Do you know

that? Are you in constant

communion with Him? Or do

you shut Him in the closet

and just ignore Him

completely? Christ in you is

the hope of glory. Christ in

you is not there dormant,

inactive. He is a Person, a

divine Person. How can you

shut Him in a closet for life?

He is active in you. He is in

you to give you glory.

What is Glory?

What is glory? In the

Bible, glory is a term that is

beyond definition, because

when you try to define glory,

you limit it. Glory is as

unlimited as God Himself.

God is glorious, within and

without. Sometimes the Bible

uses glory to substitute the

name God. God is all

glorious. Whenever God

appears, you see glory. In the

Hebrew language there are

many words that describe this

glory. Sometimes that word

means “something weighty,

heavy.” It is not light. Paul

mentioned in II Corinthians

“the weight of glory.”

Sometimes in the Old

Testament glory means

“excellent, beautiful, grand,

bright, conspicuous.” It is

beyond description. It is the

self-manifestation of God, of

His own nature, and of His


In the New Testament

Greek, the word glory means

“opinion, estimate” and

therefore, “honor according

to good opinion.” The glory

of God is especially

manifested in His Son, Jesus

Christ. In John 1:14 it says,

“The Word became flesh, and

tabernacled among man, and

we beheld His glory, even as

of a son with a father, full of

grace and truth.” When our

Lord Jesus performed his first

sign, turning the water into

wine, the glory manifested.

When our Lord Jesus took

the disciples to the mount of

transfiguration, He was

transformed, filled with light

and glory. When He rose

from the dead, His glory was


In the Old Testament, in

Exodus 33, Moses stood

between the children of Israel

and God and interceded for

the children of Israel. God

heard him and he found favor

in the sight of God. Then

Moses dared to make a

request. He said, “God, show

me Your glory. Let me see

Your glory.” In other words,

“I want to see you.” And God

said, “No one can see Me and

live.” No one is worthy

because He is too glorious.

But God said, “All right, I

will let you see My back; not

My face, but My back. Hide

in a cave, and when I pass by,

I will show you My glory.”

So in Exodus 34 God

passed by. God hid Moses

and God declared His name:

“Jehovah, Jehovah. Merciful

and gracious, slow to anger,

forgiving our iniquities.” In

other words, when God

declared His name, He

showed his glory to Moses,

but it was the back. Why?

When a person is absent, you

use his name, so it is as if you

see the back.

But when you come to the

New Testament time, thank

God, we can see the glory of

God in the face of Jesus

Christ (see II Corinthians 4).

Today, we not only hear His

name, but we can see the

glory of God in the face of

Jesus Christ. Our Lord Jesus

has manifested to us all the

glory of God. He is the outshining

of the glory of God.

Having said all these

things, you may still wonder

what glory is. I think brother

T. Austin-Sparks explained it

very well. He said, “Glory is

the self-gratification of God

the Creator in all His created

things. What is glory? Glory

is when you say, ‘This is how

it ought to be.’ That is glory.”

You know, when you do

something, when you see

something and you say, “This

is what it ought to be—just

right,” there is a sense of

glory in you. You are happy,

satisfied. So he said, “Glory

is when God can look at you

or look at the thing and say,

‘This is how it ought to be.’”

Then glory is manifested. So

glory is God satisfied, God

manifested, God approved,

and God is happy. Then glory


Do you not know that

God’s purpose for us is

glory? We are so small.

Probably all we want to get

from God is to go to heaven.

That is all we want. Once

someone said, “If my two

legs are just within the door

of heaven, I will be

satisfied.” But is God

satisfied? No. God will not be

satisfied until one day, glory

becomes your portion. Then

He is happy. What God

intends for you is glory. What

is glory? Glory is when God

can look at you and say,

“This is how you ought to be.

Now you are like My Son.

You have been transformed.

You are now conformed to

the image of My Son. I am

happy.” That is what God

wants for you and for me.

The Key to Glory

How can it be? What is the

key to glory? The key is:

Christ in you. When you

believe in the Lord Jesus, the

very day you believe in the

Lord Jesus, the key is given

to you. Now this Christ in

you can become the hope of

glory. Hope is looking

forward. Hope is possibility,

potential, anticipation. Hope

encourages you. No one can

live without hope. If a person

is without hope, what is the

sense of living? But we have

a hope, and the hope is glory.

One day, Christ will lead

many sons into glory. But

how can He lead us into

glory, unless He works glory

into us first? Otherwise, you

cannot stand the glory. No

one can see the face of God

and live unless glory is

wrought in him. Then he can

see God face to face. One

day, the Lord Jesus will lead

many sons into glory, but

today He is working that

glory into you and into me to

make us suitable for that day

of glory. Isn’t that


The Way to Glory

How does God work that

glory in you? Christ in you.

Let Him live out His life in

you. Let Him transform you

and conform you to His own

image; then there will be

glory. John said: “See what

love the Father has given to

us, that we should be called

the children of God. For this

reason the world knows us

not, because it knew him not”

(I John 3:1). And that is true.

The Father has given His

love to us that we should be

called the children of God.

We are the children of God.

The world does not know

because they do not know the

Father. “Beloved, now are we

children of God, and what we

shall be has not yet been

manifested; we know that if it

is manifested we shall be like

him, for we shall see him as

he is” (v.2).

We are now the children

of God, but what we shall be

will be manifested. And

when it is manifested, we

shall be like Him because we

see Him as He is. In other

words, what God is doing for

us and in us is to bring us

into maturity, to be

conformed to His Son, that

we are no longer babes in

Christ but we become sons

and daughters, grown up in

Christ. Or to put it another

way: Christ is formed in us.

His character, His nature is

gradually formed within us.

His gentleness, His love, His

kindness, His faithfulness,

His discipline—everything

that Christ is becomes us. It

is Christ in you; Christ

formed in you; Christ seen

through you. This is glory.

And this is what God is


But of course, it is not that

simple. The reason it is not

simple is because you and I

are standing in the way. Even

after we believe in the Lord

Jesus there is that I—my

opinion, my feeling, my

thought, my way, my life. Our

old self, our flesh wants to

continue to live in the way it

lived before, even after the

Lord has come in us and

dwells in us. And the Lord

comes to us and says, “From

now on, you do not need to

live. I will live.” But we say

to the Lord, “No; get to the

closet. I am going to live.”

Now, that is the problem, and

because of this, there is no

glory, only shame. For this

reason, the way to glory is

the cross, is suffering.

Look at our Lord Jesus. He

is the perfect man. He has

His personality, of course.

You remember His prayer in

Gethsemane? “Not my will,

but Thy will be done.” He is

not a man without a will. He

has a will. God does not want

us to be without a will. Our

Lord Jesus, the perfect man

has a will, but His will is

always yielded to the Father’s

will, not like us. Our will is

always against God’s will,

but our Lord Jesus was

always yielding to the

Father’s will. He has His

will, but He yields to the

Father. And in doing that, He

suffers, so far as the flesh is

concerned, even though His

flesh is without sin. In other

words, He denies Himself all

His life, and in denying one’s

self, there is suffering


In Hebrews 5:8 it says,

“Even though He were Son,

He learned obedience from

the things which He

suffered.” He learned

obedience to the Father

through the things which He

suffered. He was willing to

suffer, to allow Himself to

die and let God be

manifested. This is the way

of the cross. This is the way

our Lord has gone through,

and this is the way that He

leads us into glory.

Unless we are willing to

deny ourselves, take up our

cross, and follow the Lord,

that hope of glory will be

dashed. If we really look

forward to glory, are we

willing to let go of ourselves?

Are we willing to lay down

our opinions? Are we willing

to deny ourselves? Are we

willing to let ourselves suffer

a little bit, or sometimes,

quite a lot? But, when we

think of the momentary, light

affliction that will gain for us

that eternal weight of glory,

then what does it matter?

Christ in you is to bring you

into glory, into all that He

is—His nature, His character.

He is there, determined to do

this thing, but do you

respond? Do you say, “No; I

like to live my own life”?

What a loss! Unfortunately,

many of God’s children are

short-sighted. They do not

see what glory God has

prepared for them. But

remember, unless you allow

Him to glorify you now, you

will not be comfortable in the

glory that is coming where

you will spend your eternity.

The apostle Paul said, “It

is because of this I labor, that

by all means I may present

every man perfect in Christ.”

God is for perfection. God

wants us to be like Him. He

has given us His Son, His

life, and now He wants to fill

us to the fullest. Are we open

to this? May the Lord help

us. It is not something

beyond you. It is already in

you. The hope is there. All

you need to do is to say,

“Lord, I offer myself as a

living sacrifice. Do whatever

is needed to transform me,

conform me to the image of

Thy Beloved Son that You

can look at me and say, ‘This

is how it ought to be.’”

Shall we pray:

Lord speak by Thy Spirit

to our inner man that we may

hear and obey. Oh, how we

praise and thank Thee, Thy

thought concerning us is so

glorious, so rich. Lord, have

mercy upon us that we may

not fail thee. Lord, we want

to offer ourselves afresh to

Thee this morning. Come and

do anything that is necessary

until Thou can say, ‘This is

what it ought to be.’ To Thee

be the glory. In the name of

our Lord Jesus. Amen.