Minha foto
Senhor, revela-Te a nós e mostra-nos a Tua Glória. Concede que Te vejamos e ouçamos. Querido Pai celestial, queremos Te adorar e agradecer, porque é tudo para o Teu prazer. Tudo é pela obra consumada de Cristo. Tudo é pelo poder do Espírito Santo. Capacita-nos a nos rendermos a Ti, a desistirmos de nossos direitos, e a deixarmos que Tu tenhas pleno domínio sobre nós, não apenas individualmente, mas juntos, para que Teu Reino possa se tornar uma realidade em nós hoje, e possamos estar aptos para proclamar o evangelho de Jesus Cristo. No nome de nosso Senhor Jesus. Amém.

sexta-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2011

The Christ

The Christ:
 A Sermon by Stephen Kaung

Stephen Kaung is over 90 years old, though he looks much younger. He was a companion of Watchman Nee in China. This teaching was given Saturday night, February 21, in Memphis, Tennessee at a large fellowship led by Larry and Mary Ann Davis (among others). I am reproducing it to the best of my ability from copious (thorough) notes I took that night.
I did not get to hear the actual sermon. Just a review. As such, this is very brief, but I hope it serves as an introduction that will get you to listen to more of his sermons.
May this help us.
Stephen Kaung was actually teaching a series on three revelations from Matthew 16:17-19. The three revelations are Christ, the Church, and the cross. This is his summation of his teaching on the Christ.

Christ Is the Center of God's Heart

In Ephesians 1:9-10 the Scriptures tell us that it is the purpose of God to sum up all things in Christ.
When we find out that something is the purpose of God, we should take notice. We should stop and look at it. If something is the purpose of God, then it is the most important thing in the universe. God has purposed it.
It is God's purpose to sum up all things in Christ.
God wants to glorify Christ. He wants to honor Christ. He does not want to honor us, and he does not want to honor our good works. He wants to sum up all things in Christ, and he has purposed that in himself.
In fact, it says that it is God's "good pleasure" to sum up all things in Christ.
Christ is at the center of God's heart.
Christ Can Only Be Known by Revelation
It is the revelation of Christ that will save you. However, it is not only at salvation that Christ is known by revelation. Today I know him by revelation. In eternity future I will know him by revelation.
God's highest purpose is to reveal Christ. He will continue to reveal him forever, because Christ is infinite. That is the glory of our salvation! We can always continue to know him more and more throughout eternity.
And throughout eternity, this will always happen by revelation. Only God can reveal Christ.
Even if we study all books about Christ, even if we study the Bible for years, we will not know Christ unless God reveals him to us. Our mind is not sufficient to know Christ. We must know him by revelation.
If We Know Christ . . .

. . . then we will be transformed.

Knowing Christ will change us. This is at the heart of our salvation. He is the vine, and as we are attached to the vine, he changes us.
. . . then we will be conformed to his image
Romans 8:29 says we are predestined to be conformed to the image of Christ.
Christ is the ultimate revelation of God, and God wants to reveal Christ in us. Just as God was revealed in Christ, so Christ is to be revealed in us.

Sorry this is so short; however, that shouldn't be a problem. On this page you can get a long list of Stephen Kaung's sermons (for free):


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